Sitting in the ashes

Yesterday I had my post-op checkup from my laparoscopy. My Dr. showed me images that were taken during surgery. My ovaries were muuuch larger than normal, and the endometriosis had caused them to be pushed together - referred to as "kissing ovaries." Not only were they touching, but the endometriosis had also caused them to fuse to my bladder. I was diagnosed with stage 3 endometriosis. I told him that I hadn't had the daily pain as I had before surgery, and he kindly warned me to "just wait until next month." He told me not to get excited about pregnancy yet either. We have to do more bloodwork and ultrasounds next month when I've completely healed. 

I was so hopeful walking into the appointment.  Afterward, the short walk down the hallway turned into a mile and my legs weighed a ton.

When I finally made it to the waiting room and my eyes met Bens, it felt like I had found my buoy in the middle of this torrential downpour I've been walking through. And that feeling of locking eyes with him while all the stress and hurt that had built up within me during my long walk down that hallway just melted away. This man is the greatest gift God has given me and sometimes it takes little, unseen moments like that to remind me of this beautiful, once-in-a-lifetime love I've been blessed with. Seasons may change and life can get nasty, but God gave me the perfect best friend to hold my hand through it all, for better or worse. He sits in the ashes with me, but it's never too long before he speaks life back into me and encourages me, and points me back to Christ. Gosh, I am just so thankful for this guy who loves me so well. 

Brittinie Stewart